Complete Hairpiece Quality Analysis & Certificate

Complete Hairpiece Quality Analysis & Certificate

Sale Price:£300.00 Original Price:£520.00

HairKnowHow conducts its most comprehensive hair analysis in this Complete Hairpiece Analysis. Included is a trackable analysis certificate detailing all of the tests used to make the final quality assessment.

This comprehensive battery of tests is typically used to assess the quality of the most premium hairpieces, where demonstrating the grade of the product to the client may be required. Additionally, some hairpiece suppliers use this service to investigate the failure of a product, in case of warranty claims, etc. 

Included in the analysis is the following tests:

Hair Cuticle Test - this entry-level test checks the quality of the hair piece's cuticle and is a powerful health metric. Cuticle health can be used to judge the longevity of a natural hairpiece.

The Porosity Test - this advanced test expertly evaluates the cortex of multiple hair fibres and assigns the definitive porosity health measurement. The cortex is responsible for the strength and, ultimately, the texture of the hairpiece, making porosity measurement the must-have add-on health and hairpiece quality metric.

Protein Loss Test - how fast is the hairpiece degrading? Has it been recently chemically coloured using peroxides? Discover these facts with HairKnowHow's protein loss test.

Hair Type Analysis - enabling you to match the right hairpiece to your individual client.

Precise Colour and Lustre - discover the true colour and lustre of the hairpiece before inventory or post-sample return.

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