Trichology Client Service Pack B

HairKnowHow Testing Services are run and managed by Dr Jonathan Palmer.

Hair Clinic & Trichologist Services

Introducing the Hair Health Analysis Package B- Your Complete Insight into your Client's Scalp and Hair Vitality!

At HairKnowHow, we understand that every strand of hair holds the key to uncovering the intricate story of your client's scalp and hair health. Our Hair Health Analysis Package B combines a suite of cutting-edge trichology tests, providing a comprehensive view beyond the surface. With our meticulously crafted service, you'll gain unparalleled insights that empower you to diagnose, monitor, and enhance your clients' hair vitality like never before.

Trichology hair test Root Bulb
Trichology hair test diameter change
Trichology hair test root bulb picture
Hair porosity test clinical
Trichology hair cuticle test SEM

Included in the Hair Health Analysis Package B:

  • Root Bulb Imaging Test: Delve deep into the foundation of hair health with 10x high-resolution images of your client's root bulb. These intricate images unveil a wealth of information about the health and properties of the hair root and follicle. This crucial insight aids in assessing scalp conditions, diagnosing various hair shaft disorders, and tracking treatment progress effectively.

  • Hair Cuticle Multi-Position Imaging Test: Our innovative approach captures the passage of time within a strand of hair. We carefully section your client's hair sample into known lengths, enabling us to capture magnified, high-resolution images of the cuticle at multiple points in its growth journey. This data-rich perspective enables trichologists to pinpoint changes triggered by environmental shifts, hormonal fluctuations, stress, or clinical interventions.

  • Hair Porosity Test: Unveil the hidden secrets of hair cortex health through meticulous dissection of 10 individual hair fibres. This test reveals two critical porosity measurements, shedding light on your client's hair's health and structural integrity. Understand the average hair porosity and the distribution of porosities, invaluable indicators that impact hair strength, colour, texture, and overall vitality.

  • Optional Hair Diameter Measurement Plus: Precision meets insight as we accurately measure your client's hair diameter to an astonishing resolution of 0.01um. This test tracks changes in hair thickness over time, providing a powerful tool to assess the efficacy of clinical treatments. By examining diameter variations across different lengths, you can unravel the timeline of transformations and confidently offer personalised advice.

Our commitment to scientific rigour is unwavering. In addition to the comprehensive data, we ensure transparency by including error bars on all clinical measurements. This dedication to accuracy amplifies the reliability of our reporting, enhancing the value of every insight gained.

With the Hair Health Analysis Package, you're equipped with a panoramic understanding of your client's hair health journey. Embrace the transformative power of combining these advanced tests as you formulate tailored solutions, optimise treatments, and guide your clients towards lustrous, resilient hair. Elevate your clinical trichology practice with HairKnowHow, where every strand tells a story, and every insight transforms lives.

Benefits for Clinics and Trichologists

Comprehensive Insights in One Package: Trichologists and hair clinics can now access a holistic view of their client's hair health through a single, integrated package. This streamlines the diagnostic process, saving time and effort while enabling a deeper understanding of underlying issues.

  • Enhanced Diagnostic Precision: The combination of root bulb imaging, cuticle analysis, porosity testing, and hair diameter measurement provides an in-depth and multi-dimensional perspective. Trichologists can pinpoint the exact nature of hair challenges, whether they stem from root health, cuticle abnormalities, porosity variations, or optional changes in fibre diameter. This level of precision guides more accurate diagnoses and tailored treatment plans.

  • Personalised Treatment Strategies: With a comprehensive dataset, your trichologists can create personalised treatment strategies that address the unique needs of each client. By identifying specific factors affecting hair health, such as environmental triggers, hormonal changes, or stress responses, clinics can design interventions that are targeted and effective.

  • Objective Progress Monitoring: The Hair Health Analysis Package enables trichologists to monitor treatment progress objectively. By comparing images and measurements taken at different time intervals, clinicians can visualise changes in hair health, thickness, and porosity. This data-driven approach provides tangible evidence of the effectiveness of clinical interventions.

  • Evidence-Based Recommendations: With access to a wealth of scientific data, trichologists can offer evidence-based recommendations to clients. Whether suggesting lifestyle modifications, clinical treatments, or stress management techniques, these recommendations are rooted in precise measurements and visual evidence, instilling confidence and trust in clients.

  • Advanced Client Engagement: The visually compelling images and data provided by the package offer a unique opportunity for trichologists to engage clients in their own hair health journey. Educating clients with clear visuals and scientific insights fosters a stronger partnership between the clinician and client, leading to improved compliance and results.

  • Research and Publication Opportunities: The comprehensive nature of the Hair Health Analysis Package opens doors for research and publication. Trichologists and clinics can contribute to the field of trichology by presenting findings and insights derived from this comprehensive dataset, elevating their reputation and authority in the industry.

  • Competitive Edge: By offering the Hair Health Analysis Package, trichologists and clinics set themselves apart as leaders in the field. The comprehensive insights and personalised approach showcase a commitment to the highest standards of care, attracting clients who value evidence-based solutions and exceptional service.

  • Additional revenue stream: By reselling our high-tech hair analysis services to your clients, you can generate an additional revenue stream for your clinic.

  • Marketing Advantage: Promote the package as a comprehensive solution for clients seeking top-tier hair health assessment. Highlight the package's benefits in your marketing materials to attract new clients and retain existing ones.

Why choose us?

There are numerous reasons to choose HairKnowHow for your high-tech hair analysis needs, including:

  • Expertise: Our team of experts has extensive experience in hair evaluation analysis, providing you with the highest quality service. We have over 25 years of experience analysing an array of biological materials.

  • Cutting-edge technology: We use the latest technology to analyse your client's hair sample, providing you with detailed information about their hair health.

  • Fast turnaround: We provide you with a detailed report typically within five working days, enabling you to make informed decisions about treatment options for your clients quickly.

    Optional: Our expedited service option uses express UPS shipping and moves your client’s sample to the front of the analysis queue - available at checkout.

  • Competitive pricing: Our services are competitively priced, providing you with exceptional value for money.

  • All hair testing and analyse are backed by HairKnowHow’s industry-leading double refund guarantee.

How It Works

Our hair testing service is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with your existing services.

This Trichology Service Pack is a simple and non-invasive procedure.

Simply order your Trichology Service Pack on our website and send HairKnowHow the sample using either our standard domestic courier or your selected courier, and we will do the rest. Our expert team of analysts typically provide the results within five days of the sample arriving at the laboratory.

Click here for details about testing and sample postage.

Hair Sample Requirements

How and where you take your client's hair sample depends on your client's hair and scalp presentation and what you would like to investigate.

Suggested method for collecting hair samples for this test include:

  • The pull test - taken from across the scalp or a specific scalp area of interest, will be required and should contain the root bulb itself.

For this Trichology Service Test Pack, we require at least 20 separate fibres. Fibres can be any length.

Please note: No specific sample preparation is required.

Pricing and Packages

We offer flexible pricing options and packages to cater to your clinic's requirements. Visit our Pricing and Packages page to explore the available options and choose the one that aligns with your client's needs.

Take the first step towards offering a more rigorous, professional, and visually impressive service to your clients.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our instant chat option via the “start chat” button found on every page or via our contact us form.

Hair Clinic & Trichologist Services


What is the Hair Health Analysis Package B? This Hair Health Analysis Package is a comprehensive suite of advanced trichology tests HairKnowHow offers. It combines root bulb imaging, cuticle analysis, hair porosity testing, and optional hair diameter measurement to comprehensively assess scalp and hair health.

How does this package benefit trichologists and hair clinics? The package offers a holistic view of hair health, enabling trichologists to make accurate diagnoses, tailor treatments, monitor progress, and offer evidence-based recommendations, ultimately enhancing the quality of care to clients.

Can these tests be performed individually? The tests are designed to complement each other and provide a comprehensive overview. However, some tests can be performed individually based on specific requirements and are purchasble in the HairKnowHow Trichology Services Shop.

What information does the Root Bulb Imaging Test provide? This test offers high-resolution images of the hair root bulb, providing insights into hair follicle health, scalp conditions, and potential hair shaft disorders.

How does the Cuticle Multi-Position Imaging Test work? This test captures magnified images of the cuticle layer at various points, enabling trichologists to identify changes caused by factors like environmental shifts or hormonal changes.

What is the significance of the Hair Porosity Test? The Hair Porosity Test measures key porosity parameters, offering insights into hair strength, color, texture, and overall health.

How does the Hair Diameter Measurement Plus Test work? This test accurately measures hair diameter at various lengths, providing data on changes in hair thickness over time, including the effects of clinical treatments.

Can these tests detect hormonal imbalances or other health issues? While these tests primarily focus on hair health, certain conditions can be identified indirectly through changes in hair properties.

Are the tests suitable for all hair types? Yes, the Hair Health Analysis Package is designed to cater to various hair types and textures, offering valuable insights regardless of hair diversity.

Is the Hair Health Analysis Package suitable for both men and women? Absolutely, the package is beneficial for individuals of all genders seeking to improve their hair health and understand its underlying factors.

How often should these tests be performed? The frequency of testing depends on individual needs and goals. Trichologists can provide personalised recommendations based on each client's hair health journey.

Is the process invasive or uncomfortable for clients? The testing process is minimally invasive and generally well-tolerated. Clients may experience a mild sensation during hair sample collection.

Can the results be accessed digitally? Yes, the results are provided in a comprehensive digital report that includes images, measurements, and interpretations. These reports are emailed to the requesting clinic once completed.

Hair Clinic & Trichologist Services