Updated January 2023 By Dr Jonathan Palmer


pre shampooing

What is pre-shampooing and is it good for your hair?

Pre-shampooing (also called pre-pooing) is a valuable product and hair treatment for many people. But only under some circumstances is there a significant user benefit. 

Pre-shampooing prepares your hair for washing by protecting your hair’s cuticles whilst balancing hydration during and after washing. Pre-shampooing can also protect your hair against water swelling phenomena and nutrient loss.

Standard shampoos are highly efficient at removing natural oils and, of course, dirt. This reduction in oils on your hair can make your hair vulnerable to excessive swelling during washing and then increased moisture loss during drying, making it more prone to damage

Do I need to regularly pre-shampoo my hair?

Customers that regularly use oils or butter to condition their hair don’t need to pre-shampoo—customers who only condition their hair during washing benefit the most. 

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