How HairKnowHow Protects Your Client’s Data

HairKnowHow Testing Services are run and managed by Dr Jonathan Palmer.

Hair Clinic Client Data Protection

At HairKnowHow, we understand the importance of safeguarding the personal information of hair clinic clients. As a hair testing company, we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all data entrusted to us. This page outlines our data protection measures and the steps we take to ensure the security of the information provided by hair clinics and their clients. Please also read our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

No Collection of Personal Data

At HairKnowHow, we prioritise the privacy of hair clinic clients. We do not collect any personal data from the clients directly. Instead, we work exclusively with hair clinics and trichologists, using a unique personal identifier provided by them. This identifier serves as an internal reference within the clinic and helps us maintain the confidentiality of client information.

Encrypted Hair Reports

To further enhance data security, all hair reports generated by HairKnowHow are encrypted. These reports contain valuable insights and analysis results specific to the client's hair sample. We ensure that these reports are sent to the respective hair clinic in an encrypted format to prevent unauthorised access during transmission.

Email Delivery and Inclusion in Client Records

Hair reports are securely delivered to the hair clinics via email. The encrypted reports are attached to the email, ensuring their confidentiality during transit. Hair clinics can easily incorporate these reports into their clients' records, enhancing the level of service and information available to their clients. Passwords for these reports are emailed separately.

Data Protection Measures

At HairKnowHow, we have implemented robust data protection measures to safeguard the hair clinic client data we receive. Here are some of the key measures we employ:

  1. Secure Storage: Hair clinic client data, including unique personal identifiers and encrypted reports, are stored on secure servers with industry-standard encryption and access controls.

  2. Strict Access Controls: We enforce strict access controls to ensure that only authorised personnel within HairKnowHow can access the hair clinic client data. We regularly review and update access permissions to maintain data integrity.

  3. Confidentiality Agreements: All our employees and contractors involved in handling hair clinic client data are bound by strict confidentiality agreements to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the information.

  4. Regular Security Audits: We conduct regular security audits to assess and enhance our data protection measures. This helps us identify any vulnerabilities and implement necessary improvements to maintain the highest level of data security.

At HairKnowHow, we are dedicated to upholding the privacy and security of hair clinic client data. By working closely with hair clinics and trichologists, we ensure that the information we provide enhances their services while maintaining the utmost confidentiality. With our commitment to data protection and the measures we have in place, hair clinics can confidently rely on us to deliver rigorous, professional, and visually impressive hair evaluation analysis services.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding data protection, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to address any queries you may have and provide the necessary assurance regarding the security of hair clinic client data.

Best wishes,

Dr J Palmer - Director of HairKnowHow