Updated June 2022 By Dr Jonathan Palmer

Heat damaged hair and how to avoid it

Heat damaged hair and how to avoid it

How to protect your hair from heat damage caused by hot irons and hair curlers

You should take care when heating your hair with any type of heating iron. We know you want that certain look that you can only get with a hot iron or curler. So there are some things you can do to protect your hair.

To help remedy this, we would suggest that you:

  1. Try to use the lowest heat setting on the curler or straightener to get the look you want. This can take a little experimentation to get right, but your hair will thank you for it! The lower the heat and the least amount of time your hair experiences excessive heat, the better!

  2. Purchase a heat protection product from a reputable supplier before using your hair straighteners or curlers.

  3. Reduce the number of heat treatments performed on your hair.

  4. Use a good conditioner that contains natural hair oils such as coconut or argan oil

  5. In the meantime, we recommend getting your hair tested to check the amount of heat damage and receive specific and tailored advice.

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Straightening your hair with heating tongs doesn't need to be massively destructive to your hair, causing cuticle blisters and increased cortex damage. The solution is a temperature-controlled curler or straightener! Experiment with the temperature and the length of hair contact time to discover the lowest heat settings you need to get the look you want. Get the look without the damage! Check out our Complete Hair Analysis here for more information.

Get Expert Hair Analysis and Help

If you are worried about heat damage to your hair or would like your hair health checked, give a HairKnowHow Hair Analysis a try!

HairKnowHow Team has helped diagnose heat health problems for many clients and could help you make measurable improvements to your hair.

Contact the HairKnowHow Team if you have any questions.