Updated February 2023 By Dr Jonathan Palmer

Hair Test Accuracy

Hair Testing Accuracy

Understanding The Factors That Affect Drug Hair Test Results

Hair testing is a common technique used for detecting drugs, alcohol and other chemicals within the body. It's important to comprehend the variables that could skew the findings of a hair test.

Hair testing is typically very accurate and reproducible, with hair samples easy to obtain and test, which is one of the key advantages of hair testing. No test is, however, perfect, and there are disadvantages to hair testing, including their cost.

In this post, we'll talk about some variables that affect the reliability of hair tests and how they may affect the results and test interpretation.


Factors Affecting Hair Test Accuracy

Several variables can impact the accuracy of hair test findings. These include outside variables like hair care products, certain practices, scalp issues, hair length, and the substance being tested for. The accuracy of the results is also affected by the laboratory performing the test and the technique utilised to examine the material.

It is entirely possible for two labs to analyse the same sample and make different conclusions about the presence or the quantity of a substance or drug.

Hair Test False Positive

Hair tests sometimes yield false positive findings, albeit this is rare. This can occur when a person is exposed to outside elements, including secondhand smoke or other contaminants from the environment, that can cause drugs or interfering substances to be deposited in the hair. Incorrect testing methods used by the laboratory or improper sample handling can also lead to inaccurate results.

Hair Test False Negative

Although they are unusual, false negative results in hair tests can also occur. This may occur if the user has ingested a substance that the hair test cannot identify or if the hair sample has been tampered with before testing.

Hair Test Accuracy Compared To Other Testing Methods

Hair testing for drugs is an effective way to find drugs, alcohol and other compounds within a person's body, but it is not perfect, and errors do happen. Hair testing provides a longer detection window than other testing techniques like urine or blood tests, but it is not as good at detecting recent drug use (i.e. within the last seven days).


Hair testing is not as successful at identifying specific drug classes or usage patterns. However, this can be done by sectioning (cutting it into pieces) and testing each section of hair.

Hair Test Accuracy In Detecting Drug Use

Hair testing is not completely accurate, despite being regarded as a good approach for identifying drug usage. In truth, no test is completely accurate.

The accuracy of results can be impacted by the following:

  • external variables - hair care treatments, colouring, cleansing

  • the specific substance being tested for

  • the hair testing facility

  • hair sample length and

  • the method employed or even the individual scientists analysing the sample

Hair test findings are used as evidence in court; it's crucial to realise that they are not always accurate and require expert review to ensure robust and reliable results and interpretation.

Typically, an expert witness report is also used in court, which gives additional details about the results and persons analysing the hair sample, which should increase confidence in the hair test results being presented.

Hair Test Accuracy In Workplace Drug Testing

Although hair testing is frequently utilised for workplace drug testing, it's necessary to realise that the results are not always accurate. The accuracy of results can be impacted by external variables, including the specific substance being tested for, the testing facility, and the method employed to analyse the sample etc.

Within the workplace, it is important to make any test totally private, not just the results of the test but the fact that a hair test is even being conducted.

Hair Test Accuracy And External Factors

The accuracy of results from hair tests might be affected by outside variables like hair treatments, the presence of styling products and specific scalp problems that affect hair growth or hair structure.


To accurately interpret the findings of a hair test, it is critical to comprehend all the factors that may affect the result of testing. In most cases, this will require an expert in hair testing science - ideally from the hair test service provider.

Hair Test Accuracy In Detecting Specific Drugs

Hair testing for drugs can identify several foreign chemical substances within the body; however, it might not be as reliable in identifying some specific drugs or drug usage patterns. It's important to comprehend hair testing's limitations in identifying particular substances with particular hair tests. This information should be stipulated on the service provider’s website.

Hair Test Accuracy In Addiction Treatment Centers

Hair testing is frequently utilised in addiction treatment facilities - where it is a very valuable tool. Test results can be impacted by variables such as the specific substance being tested for, the testing facility, and the method employed to analyse the sample.

What effect hair testing accuracy

Hair Testing Accuracy Summary

In conclusion, hair testing is a popular technique for identifying drugs and other chemicals within a person's body. However, many variables may affect how accurate the results of a hair test are.

The accuracy of results can be impacted by multiple variables, including external variables (styling or haircare products), the specific substance being tested for, the testing facility, hair length and the method employed to analyse the sample.

Before making any conclusions based on the results of a hair test, it's essential to be aware of these restrictions and get advice from experts, such as medical or legal authorities.

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If you are interested in learning about hair health testing or have a hair concern you would like to discuss, then please do get in touch. Contact the HairKnowHow Team if you have any questions.