Your Client Hair Type Analysis

HairKnowHow Testing Services are run and managed by Dr Jonathan Palmer.

Hair Clinic & Trichologist Services

Welcome to our Client Hair Type Analysis service page. Our hair testing company provides high-tech hair evaluation analysis services that help enhance the services offered by hair clinics and trichologists.

Why Discover Your Client’s Hair Type

Our Client Hair Type Analysis test is designed to accurately measure the two crucial metrics - hair diameter and degree of curl or wave - that together determine the Andre Walker hair type.

Understanding your client's hair type is essential to designing appropriate haircare plans and recommending appropriate products. By using this test, you can provide more personalised haircare plans and recommend products that are tailored to each client's unique hair type.

Our test results can also help your clients choose hairstyles that complement their hair type and texture, leading to increased client satisfaction and loyalty.

Order the Hair Type Analysis Test today to take advantage of our double refund guarantee.

Benefits To Your Hair Clinic

Our Client Hair Type Analysis includes a range of features to help you accurately assess your client's hair type. Our hair testing service measures the average fibre diameter across all the fibres tested and identifies the primary and secondary hair type and the percentage occurrence of each. We also provide a high-magnification image of the cuticle of your client's hair to wow your clients.

These features provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your client's hair type, enabling you to offer more professional and visually impressive services.

Our hair testing company offers a reliable and cost-effective solution for hair clinics and trichologists who want to enhance their services by providing accurate and personalised haircare plans to their clients. Our Client Hair Type Analysis is an essential tool for hair clinics and trichologists who want to take their services to the next level.

Additional revenue stream: By reselling our high-tech hair analysis services to your clients, you can generate an additional revenue stream for your clinic.

How it works

Our hair testing service is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with your existing services.

The Client Hair Type Analysis is a simple and non-invasive procedure that involves collecting a sample of your client's hair. HairKnowHow provides you with all the information you need to collect and submit the hair sample for analysis.

Simply order your Client Hair Type Analysis test on our website, send HairKnowHow the sample using either our standard domestic courier or your selected courier, and we will do the rest. Our expert team of analysts typically provide the results within five working days.

Click here for details about testing and sample postage.

To purchase the Client Hair Type Analysis service, simply visit our clinic services page and follow the easy steps to submit your client's hair sample. Our hair testing company is dedicated to providing you with the support you need to integrate our services seamlessly into your business.

Hair Sample Requirements

How and where you take your client's hair sample depends on your client's hair and scalp presentation and what you would like to investigate.

Suggested methods for collecting hair samples include:

  • The pull test - taken from across the scalp or a specific scalp area of interest

  • Removing the hair sample by cutting from a particular section of the scalp

  • Collecting hair using a brush or comb

For the Hair Type Analysis, we require 20 separate fibres. Any length of hair fibre is acceptable.

Please note: No specific sample preparation is required.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our instant chat option via the “start chat” button found on every page or via our contact us form.

All hair testing and analyse are backed by HairKnowHow’s industry leading double refund guarantee.

Hair Clinic & Trichologist Services


  1. What is the Client's Hair Type Analysis service? The Client Hair Type Analysis service is a hair testing service that accurately measures hair diameter and degree of curl or wave to determine hair type. This service helps hair clinics and trichologists provide personalised haircare plans and product recommendations to their clients.

  2. How does the Client Hair Type Analysis service work? The Client Hair Type Analysis service involves collecting a hair sample from the client, which is then analysed using high-tech hair evaluation analysis services to determine hair type. The results of the analysis are used to create personalised haircare plans and product recommendations.

  3. What hair typing system does HairKnowHow use? We use the Andre Walker hair typing system.

  4. Why use the Andre Walker hair type system? The Andre Walker hair type system is the most commonly used hair typing system - a mass of information exists from product recommendations, hairstyles and haircare advice.

  5. How long does it take to receive the results of the Client Hair Type Analysis service? The results of the Client Hair Type Analysis service are typically available within five business days after the hair sample arrives at the HairKnowHow lab.

  6. What types of hair can be tested using the Client Hair Type Analysis service? The Client Hair Type Analysis service can be used to test all types of hair, including curly, wavy, and straight hair.

  7. How many hair fibres are tested as part of the Client Hair Type Analysis service? As part of the Client Hair Type Analysis service, more than ten hair fibres are measured and analysed to provide an accurate representation of the hair type.

  8. Can the Client Hair Type Analysis service be used for both men and women? Yes, the Client Hair Type Analysis service can and is used for both men and women.

  9. What information is provided as part of the Client Hair Type Analysis service? The Client Hair Type Analysis service provides information on the average fibre diameter across all the fibres tested, the primary and secondary hair type and the percentage of each type. We also include a high-magnification image of the cuticle of the hair.

  10. How can the results of the Client Hair Type Analysis service be used to improve hair care? The results of the Client Hair Type Analysis service can be used to create personalised haircare plans and recommend products that are tailored to the client's unique hair type.

  11. How is the hair sample collected for the Client Hair Type Analysis service? The hair sample is collected using a non-invasive procedure that involves cutting a small amount of hair from the client's head. See suggestions above.

  12. How accurate is the Client Hair Type Analysis service? The Client Hair Type Analysis service uses high-tech hair evaluation analysis services to provide accurate and detailed results.

  13. How much does the Client Hair Type Analysis service cost? The cost of the Client Hair Type Analysis service varies depending on the number of tests ordered and the location of the hair clinic or trichologist.

  14. Is the Client's Hair Type Analysis service covered by insurance? The Client Hair Type Analysis service may be covered by insurance, depending on the policy and the reason for the test.

  15. What are the benefits of the Client Hair Type Analysis service? The Client Hair Type Analysis service provides personalised haircare plans and product recommendations, helps clients choose hairstyles that complement their hair type and leads to increased client satisfaction and loyalty.

  16. Can the Client Hair Type Analysis service be used by individuals at home? No, the Client Hair Type Analysis service is designed for use by hair clinics and trichologists.

  17. How can hair clinics and trichologists purchase the Client Hair Type Analysis service? Hair clinics and trichologists can purchase the Client Hair Type Analysis service only through the HairKnowHow Client Services Page.

Hair Clinic & Trichologist Services